5 Tips for Shooting Moving Targets
Tag: shooting
Understanding Rifle Scope Turrets
Understanding Rifle Scope Turrets
5.56 Versus .223 The Rundown
5.56 Versus .223 The Rundown. While similar, when comparing the 5.56 versus .223 these two rounds are more like cousins than identical twins.
Selecting a Rifle Barrel for a Custom Build
Selecting a Rifle Barrel for a Custom Build
Shooting a Rifle Accurately in High Wind
Shooting a Rifle Accurately in High Wind
Improving Accuracy of a | Factory Gun
Improving Accuracy of a Factory Gun. To hear a 4th generation custom gun builder say “Not everyone needs a custom gun” shows the confidence Bobby Hart
Hunting With a Muzzleloader
Hunting With a Muzzleloader
The Benefit of Having a Backup Rifle
The Benefit of Having a Backup Rifle
Defining | Rifle Actions
Defining Rifle Actions. Defining rifle actions and determining which is best for you can help you determine which setup is best for your preferred application.
5 Ways the Impact Ballistics Calculator Helps Shooters
5 Ways the Impact Ballistics Calculator Helps Shooters
Various Rifle Rests and When to Use Each
Various Rifle Rests and When to Use Each