Rifle Scope Turrets Capped vs. Exposed
A proper shot analysis will help determine what you may or may not be doing wrong.
Rifle Marksmanship Part 7: Shot Analysis
If you’re having difficulty with getting consistent groups, do you adjust your shooting position or do you adjust your turrets to get an accurate shot on a target? Whatever the case, according to EGA Precision instructor William “Bart” Bartholomew, to make an accurate assessment, he highly recommends that you maintain a data book. Here is Bart’s checklist to help you determine the probable causes of certain bad shots:
If Your Groups Tends to Be Low and Right -Rifle Marksmanship
Possible causes if you’re a right-handed shooter:
- Improper trigger control / Anticipating recoil. Learn more on How to Improve Trigger Control
- Your left hand may not be positioned properly and you’re not holding the rifle stock firmly in your shoulder.
- Your right elbow may be slipping.
What if Your Group is Scattered About the Target?
Things to check:
- You may not be positioned correctly behind the scope (at the proper designated eye relief) which is not giving you the full sight picture, or you may be taking scope shadow on one side.
- Your concentration is on the target, not on the cross hairs.
- Your check weld is not consistent from shot to shot.
- Your body position and body alignment at the bench is not correct.
- Improper parallax adjustment.

Getting a Good Group but Still Getting Several Erratic Shots
Possible reasons:
- Flinching – Causing your shots to go anywhere.
- Bucking – Causing your shots to be scattered from 7 to 10 o’clock.
- Jerking – Also causing your shots to go about anywhere.
Your Group is Strung Up, Down, and Through the Target
Shooting discipline to concentrate on:
- Proper breathing techniques – You may be breathing while firing. Learn More
- Proper vertical alignment of the cross hairs – You may be canting.
- Consistent check weld – You may not be getting in the same position each time.

You’re Getting a Compact Group but it’s Outside of the Target
Possible issues:
- Your scope may be incorrectly zeroed.
- Failure to compensate for the wind.
- Improper point of aim.
- Not at the designed eye relief length, causing scope shadow.
Group From Center of the Target Out the Bottom
Things to check:
- You may not be getting the full sight picture – Check for scope shadow.
- You may be changing the position of the rifle in your shoulder – Concentrate on being consistent.
In the Scope Fundamentals blog we show you how to correct for “Scope Shadow”
Horizontal Group Across the Target
Possible Causes:
- Scope shadow
- Canted weapon
- Improper point of aim
Once you have accurately identified the cause and made the necessary adjustments to bring your shots together, it’s very rewarding to hit the desired point of aim with consistency.
Read the entire Rifle Marksmanship Series:
Part 2 – Trigger Control Equals Success
Part 4 – Breathing Control Techniques
Part 5 – Key Elements of a Good Shooting Position
Part 6 – Supported Shooting Positions
Part 7 – Shot Analysis