5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Shooting PRS Competitions

5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Shooting PRS Competitions

Guest Author: David C.

Top 5 Reasons I Enjoy PRS Competitions

I have yet to find anyone while shooting PRS competitions that is anything but helpful and supportive.

If you’ve ever considered shooting competitively, the Precision Rifle Series (PRS) might just be the place to start. It was for me anyways!

I quickly found out, as I mention below, that the people, ie. your competition, are incredible. They welcome you with open arms and are eager to help out. But that’s only one of the reasons why I enjoy shooting PRS competitions. Here are the top five reasons why I enjoy shooting PRS competitions.

5. Target Shooting Outdoors

I was brought up around firearms and have always loved shooting outdoors. PRS is pretty much the NCAA of what I grew up loving. Nothing like fresh air and the smell of gunpowder. It’s good for the soul!

4. The Rifles and Gear

Who doesn’t love high end, finely tuned, precision rifles? Not only are they something beautiful to admire, but also an absolute blast and pure happiness to shoot. In the world of PRS, high dollar/high quality optics are everywhere.

It’s amazing when fellow shooters look through my TRACT Optic rifle scope and find better quality components and clearer glass than others that are hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars more.

I know I can rely on my TORIC rifle scope to reliably track and get me on target with the first round I fire at every stage.

5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Shooting PRS Competitions.

3. Long Range Shooting  PRS

For me, as soon as I sent that first shot at a target past a few hundred yards and heard that *PING*, I was absolutely hooked. Being able to successfully engage targets at hundreds and even thousands of yards away is pure bliss.

2. The Course of Fire | Shooting PRS

As enjoyable as ringing steel is at distance, being able to do it while moving and on a clock is challenging but so rewarding. My first match I would almost laugh from happiness every time I heard “IMPACT” in response to my shots.

I do my best to train in hopes that I’ll become more competitive in the sport. But still, the absolute joy I get from hearing that “IMPACT!” from the range official (RO) is incredible.

5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Shooting PRS Competitions.

Enjoying a PRS match at “THE RANGE” AT CAMP DAVID held on 9/3/22

Top 5 Reasons Why I Enjoy PRS Competitions

1. The Community | Shooting PRS

By far the very best part of shooting PRS competitions, as I’ve already mentioned, is the community. My very first match I was so fortunate to have a squad filled with the most helpful (and hilarious) shooters.

Since then, I have yet to find anyone within the PRS community that is anything but helpful and supportive. Regardless of skill level, every shooter wants the other shooters around them to do well and succeed.

And when new shooters come in, there is an endless amount of aid offered and given. From loaning gear to coaching on and off the clock, new shooters are encouraged and offered anything and everything to help them succeed.

This community is by far why I keep coming back. And I try to pay it forward every opportunity I get.

My Complete Set-Up | Shooting PRS

Top 5 Reasons Why I Enjoy PRS Competitions
Top 5 Reasons Why I Enjoy PRS Competitions

My Rifle weighs about 22lbs dry